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Domestic Servitude

Domestic workers worldwide are still among the most exploited and abused. Many are required to work irregular and long hours for low pay and are given insufficient rest. They are also largely excluded from social protection such as maternity benefits, social security and access to labour courts.

The International Labour Conference adopted the Domestic Workers Treaty following the International NGO Consultation on the ‘Strengthening the Capacity and Social Protection of Domestic Workers’,  in which FI participated on 3 and 4 June 2011. FI and other NGOs are now working to ensure ratification. Read more>>

Sr. Nisha testifying at the UN
Sr. Nisha at the UN

"Speaking at the United Nations enabled the voices of domestic workers to be heard at the international level. Additionally, the successful 'UN Convention for Domestic Workers' in Geneva and our continuing work with FI is also making a difference.”
Sr. Nisha Mathiew FMM, India.
Read full story.