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I give 5 for Francis because...

Harry McKnight

Harry McKnight
FI works diligently in advocating the interests and problems of the poor and underprivileged...

Averil Swanton

Averil Swanton
It is a simple way to support the work of FI in giving a voice to those on the margins of countries all over the world...

Annamaria Cacopardo

Annamaria Cacopardo
I believe in the work of FI. If each of us gives a little then...

John Celichowski

John Celichowski
It gives me some further personal ownership of FI's important work and it is an expression of...

Patricia Tan

Patricia Tan
I truly believe in the work of FI and understand that in order for it to succeed, the professional staff team must...

Jose Maria Compagni

Jose Maria Compagni
We know that the addition of many small contributions at different levels can really make a difference...

John Scimone

John Scimone
FI is not concerned with politics but with making a difference. It doesn't matter if you're...