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Working with Youth

Franciscans International seeks to create a two-way dialogue with youth to work together at the United Nations and grassroots on addressing worldwide issues of injustice.

FI is keen to engage wtih schools, universities, churches and socially conscious youth around the world, where they can learn about and support our work.

FI aims to inform and involve youth in our advocacy work both at the United Nations and grassroots.

How is “youth” defined? We use this term broadly to define those aged between 12 and 30.

Why should youth be involved? Young people will live the consequences of global climate change, unsustainable environment policy, country debt, but more importantly young people are creative, passionate, have lots of energy and new ideas to work for social change.

Youth at the UN - There is a growing movement to have youth involved at the United Nations that began in 1990 with the Declaration of a World Fit for Children. Since then, youth organisations have had youth representatives at the United Nations as well as world youth conferences. Read more...

YOUFRA - Franciscan Youth who feel attracted by St Francis of Assisi who try to share the experience of Christian life in Fraternity and deepen their vocation within the context of the Secular Franciscan Order. Read more...

After learning about an issue of injustice, doing something to effect change can seem very difficult, but through your worship, activities and friendships you can work for a more peaceful and just world. As members of churches and youth groups you have a safe environment to practice your leadership, and to share your ideas with a bigger group. Do not underestimate yourself or your group. Share your ideas today, make your plans now and follow through.

How can I support human rights through the work of FI?

  • Subscribe to the Franciscan Voice e-newsletter
  • Help raise awareness about FI and human rights issues
    • Tell your friends, family, church, school…
    • Organise a bake sale, soup lunch, car wash
  • Invite FI to give a presentation at your school/church
  • Intern in one of FI's three offices (For applicants 18+)