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Forthcoming Activities

A Discussion on a Human Rights-Based Approach to Prosecuting Cases of Human Trafficking

Friday, 22 June 2012, 14:00 – 16:00, room XXII, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Franciscans International, Christian Organisation Against Trafficking in Human Beings (COATNET), Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW), and Anti-Slavery International invite participants of the 20th Session of the Human Rights Council to attend the side event 'A Discussion on a Human Rights-based Approach to Prosecuting cases of Human Trafficking.'

The Implementation of UPR Recommendations in Indonesia: The Rule of Law in Indonesia vis a vis the Human Rights Situation in Papua

Thursday 15 March 2012 - 14h00 to 16h00 - Room XXIV, United Nations, Geneva

Participants of the 19th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council are cordially invited to this parallel event which aims to critically review the status of the rule of law in Indonesia in light of the UPR recommendations made to Indonesia in 2008 and prior to the second UPR of Indonesia.

More information>>

H2Uh-O: The Rights and Wrongs of Water in Rio+20

Thursday 22 March 2012 - 1.30pm - 3.00pm - Plaza Room, United Nations Church Centre, New York

Franciscans International hosts an interactive discussion with three guest speakers on the right to safe drinking water. Lunch will be served. 

The event coincides with the first round of 'informal-informal' negotiations on the zero draft of the Rio+20 outcome document from 19 to 23 March. 

For more information download the flyer or call 1-212-490-4624

Approfondir l'approche Franciscaine des questions de developpement durable, d'ecologie, de respect de la creation et connaitre Franciscans International

Le samedi 24 Mars 2012 - 9h30 à 17h30 - Sanctuaire Saint Bonaventure, Lyon

Une journée d'information et de réflexion, avec différents temps fort possibles ouverte à la Famille Franciscaine et à toute personne intéressée par le thème.

Libre participation aux frais.

Télécharger l'agenda>>

Pour plus d'information contact: o.coirier(at)

A Conversation with Franciscans International

27 April 2012 - 15h30 to 19h00 - Rome, Italy

Sr. Odile Coirier fmm, FI Advocacy Officer, will speak speak on the work of FI with Franciscans advocating for social justice at the international level.

This is part of the JPIC course on "Peace and Reconciliation", which runs from 17 -27 2012, at the Pontifical University Antonianum, Rome, Italy.
For more information email: pax(at)